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A world where people are negatively determined due to biases interactionary of their own cognition and the negative determinations of others - surely little could be worse. But that's how things can be when well-being is scarce and biological psychology is too dominant upon people's notions of health; once people perceive symptoms, even the more negligible ones, they lose heart, and negatively determine themselves one way or the other. No well-being thrives on predominant notions of self-doubt, and genuine confidence - not arrogance - ends up more of a rarity. When major political processes go wrong they can induce despair, confusion and political hostility that only works to make matters worse. It's these self-defeating cycles that mark a more profound set of symptoms to which only wise leadership and cooperation in goodwill can hope to circumvent. It's the way of things: badness and illness when prevalent work to encourage more badness and illness, and goodness and wellness work to encourage more goodness and wellness likewise. That's why to will ourselves or break out of these negative patterns people literally have to start negating the processes first on the leadership level and then see it effected more broadly. Once a society has real social well-being they're set - lest they commit significant societal stupidity.

The main surface symptom of a struggling society is senseless anxiety, where people press anxiety on to others to satisfy their own inadequacies and make people ill in a cycle practically ad-infinitum. Senseless anxiety, by definition, lacks sense, so it's entirely dysfunctional. Manifested in other ways through general fear or weak-will, or through getting bothered by silly little things and feeling forced senses of pressure or stress. In such circumstances, anxiety is as socially bad as it gets that can threaten everything. It also perpetuates mental blindness because anxiety is inherently impairing upon judgement, so people fail to learn properly and repeat the same kinds of biased patterns that legions of others in the same boat would have fell folly to. Truly, a negative self and societal determination that goes contrary to sense without hope.

People who value anxiety are often simply trying to mediate and justify sociopathology that has a mild to severe effect across a whole society. It is commonly felt makes people want to normalise illness effects because the normality that is still sustained is able to work in a societal mechanism, but sociopathology only works in the direction of long-term dysfunction because of its fundamental influence. A symptom of it is ignorance and insecurity about the nature of psychopathology because its definition is confused through certain common associations. When other people are insulted through social capitalism by being called psychopaths through people haphazardly asserting that they have an empathy impairment, it is among the most damaging things people can arbitrarily say, and this is informative of at least their own empathy abandonment or impairment - a singular irony that compounds with a double irony when it is known that psychopathy is shorthand for psychopathology, which includes any form of mental illness, immorality obviously included because it reduces wellness in the individual and other people, and so it is certainly a confused social bias. In short, people who don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to actual psychology would need to wisen up to stop inducing further illness. Psychiatric diagnosis, as one might expect, is for psychiatrists to make, and any such diagnosis is understood to be falsifiable by the practitioner.

Authoritarian illness can be the worst consequence of these structured ills, because those who assert anxiety to damage others in senseless ways without hesitation are certainly committing very significant badness. The sociological manifestation of this at its worse is ill-ordered authoritarianism, as opposed to well-ordered freedom. When illness mechanisms in leadership are blocked, those who feel they cannot overcome can end up driving themselves into circular dysfunction still compelled to immorally enforce and further still end up upsetting the sociological workings of influence until moral actions are embraced to relieve the ill-imposed disorder. Underlying societal anxiety can be the fundament which works to dissuade from wise sense in such states. All those who have been scapegoated by sociopathological mechanisms would have my pity.

However, as long as a society isn't too bad there is significant hope, and that's reality. People can often have their heads stuck in the clouds, overthinking nonsensical things or being inspired by fantasy more than history. Really, if people take the time to slow down and recover their sense of things, they'll see that there are numerous ways to overcome societal struggles, and that's all in health and goodwill - something people have to work towards and not take for granted.

So it's worthwhile to pause, to let things sink in, and to calm down buzzing thoughts in your mind and to try to recover the steady contentment and moral willpower qualitative of well-being. Any society should look to avoid the stereotypes outlined above.



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