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Positive Psychology

All too often, do we hear negative 'truths' about psychology. Populations of people believe it is impossible to overcome mental illness and those who had happy starts often succumb to these negative 'truths' when they are repeatedly told, "this is reality". But this is entirely delusory. Negative psychology which works based on refutation of unlikely positives being the universal case through assertion of negative methods from negative standpoints that have not been falsified is fundamentally misguided in the first place in supposing there is a universal case of psychology, ultimately producing its supposed negative 'reality' which was more or less the starting point of general mental health in the population. The inclusion of synthetic a priori science one can conduct intuitively and through factual measurement which enables confirmation of ascertained positive validities and the absence of falsification where negative invalidities are acknowledged as illegitimate of the person's normal health would be a scientific improvement of modern psychology to work well on. As willpower can truly show, people can be determined by positive behaviours as much as they can be determined by negative ones. A current negative psychology that is overtly atheist by and large has foolishly ended up embracing the will of the evil one and blindly denying that theology was ever the case. One need only see badwill in people and likewise see how they are determined by their negative presuppositions about reality. If you really see, then you'll see and understand that reality can be ambiguous. If you have biases that are emotionally compelling you interpret some behaviours in negative ways where no such judgement is really due, then you will be filled with more badwill and this will affect your illness levels, apparently leaving you stuck in the purported reality of negative psychology. But hope is not lost - far from it. If you essentially will yourself to overcome all of your negative biases of before then you can break free, and enter the positively determined reality of well-being. Freedom of mental health is the definition of free will in a human reality that can be positively or negatively determined depending on good or bad perceptions.

So, if you see a light shining from above, don't try to drag it down to a lower level; if you're good, a ladder will be extended for you to climb. This is, very sadly, the essence of mankind's sin against God, but also how moral well-being is actualised such that one can qualify for heaven.

Have any doubts about this - you really need not. Good people will continue to be good and be positively determined, extending their ladders even sometimes to those who want to drag them down the most. And ultimately, good always wins out. The same stories we've heard for generations - all true, and that's just the nature of mental health and well-being.



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